Friday, June 30, 2006
Vaat sellised lõngad said
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Kiri shawl
It is finally done. I do not suggest knitting KIRI in such fine yarn (it is 2-ply almost or maybe entirely cobweb weight lambswool) with 2,75 mm needels. It is a suicide. It took me near 1,5 months to complete it, of course I didn't knit it with one breath... I took a lot of breaths between, a lot without needles in my hands. But I am very satisfied. You can find the pattern here.
But oh it's so pretty and it goes for my awesome mother-in-law. I will do lace more.
Minu esimene pitssall
Salli lõpetamise eufoorias ei suutnud rohkem sõnu kirjutada. Lisaks siis veel, et vardad olid 2,75 mm.
Kuidas ma värvisin lõnga
Värvid on siin pildil tõesti ülevõimendatud - liiga ergud, aga umbes sellistes vahekordades ma need sain. Täitsa lõpp, aga punased toonid minu kaameraga täiega panevad mööda ja pärast on palju jupsimist töötlusprogrammis, et midagistki aru saaks, näiteks siin pildil ei andnud midagi kruttida eriti, helesinine on OK; kirsipruun on kriips liiga lilla (seda näeb vasakult teisel ja neljandal vihul esiplaanil); oranž on liiga ere ning tagumise vihu punased on sügavad; viimase vihu lilla on ka OK, aga kes loeb välja, et siin on kaks oranžitooni mängus olnud?
Igatahes, kogemus on käes - esimene ja viimane kord, kui ma nende eesti värvidega triibutada püüan. Ilgem jupsimine käis. Näpud siiani lillad, sest violett värv (mis on täiega elektrililla tegelikult) võttis mingi kuldse kihi peale ja lõng annab peale tunni ajast pesu ikka veel värvi - kuivana! Sama juhtus bordoopunasega - vähemal määral.
Rõõmsamad toonid on esimese päeva katstused (koos kerimise, lõngapesemise, värvisegamise ja keetmise-loputamisega võttis 200 gr mökerdamine aega 5 tundi - isegi mõned toonid said vähem keetmist, kui pakil nõutud ning jahutama ma neid ka ei viitsinud hakata), tumedamad teisel päeval tehtud.
Nii palju veel, et roostevabad potid said pärast kõik puhtaks, kranaikausile jäi pärast küürimist lillavirve veel mõneks ajaks ning asi ei ole seda väärt, et natukene mingit lõnga värvida. Või üritada triibutamist, terve vihu ühesuguseks võõpamiseks sobib küll.
Samas olen ma oma esimese päeva lõngadega väga rahul ja ka teise päeva lõngad mingi teise värvikombinatsioonis saavad kasutusele võetud, aga järgmiseks korraks tahaks endale sebida välismaa peeneid värve, millega lihtsa vaevaga saab lõngale värvi külge.)
Info ka:
Fie Vello Laumetsa villavärvid, Tallinnas saab osta: Vana-Kalamaja 1, kodutarvete poest; 9 EEKu pakike, 400gr värvimiseks.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I dyed some yarn
I dyed some yarn with local colors that I managed to find from the city (that was an adventure).
This was the first and last time... with these colors.
Nothing has changed in 20 years.
The colors are cool, but to get them it takes too much mess and scrubbing and boiling and mixing.
I will buy next colors from abroad and try again.
Estonian wool is really great! It gets softer as you boil it. Good pre-washing is essential - it not only gets softer and cleaner but it also goes nicely white.
The colors in this picture are too bright and strong, but I couldn't help it, my camera didn't take the red-orange tones well. Who notices that there are 2 oranges used? Exactly my point, even though I can't show them to you well, I am still very satisfied of the colors and will use these yarns in the near-future projects. BTW Violet really sucked, my sink still has lilac tonality to it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Aasta sumedamad ööd
Siin on väike väljanäitus minu vanavanaema tehtud töödest, pikkadel talveõhtutel pusis ta tikkida kuni kõrge vanuseni - kuigi 80date eluaastate alguses ei tahtnud näpud enam hästi kuulda võtta ja silm jäi töntsiks. Mul on ääretult kahju, et ma tol ajal ei vaimustunud näputööst, vaid alles nüüd aastaid pärast memmekese surma tunnen puudust õpetajatest. Eks nii ole vist paljudes peredes.
Aga vanatädi käest sain ilusat veneaegset villast lõnga, pildil küll ei erista eriti tumepunast ja oranži ning ka lilla ja türkiissinise värvid on balansist väljas, aga mul ei õnnestunud ka paremaks näppida pilti. Ja näe, kuna aega oli küllaga kohapeal ja 4 tundi rongis on piisavalt pikk aeg, siis eile valmis mul Kiri sall. Praegu on blokeeringus, varsti varsti saab ilmaimet näha.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Shortest nights of the year
It is the time of the shortest nights of the year, the sun sets close to 11 PM and rises around 4 AM, and it never gets entirely dark.
On the shortest night the sun sets at 22:34 and raises at 4:05 and then we celebrate it with building big fires all around the country, it keeps away bad spirits and jumping over it brings luck. It is our Midsummer's Eve.
This year I went to visit my great-aunt in Southern Estonia and this gives me a chance to introduce some of my greatgrandmothers needlework. She was a very talented embroiderer, coming up with her own ideas and doing needlework until she was in her eighties and couldn't continue for her eyes and hands were poor. Here is a selection of her stitched work, she also did a lot crocheting, all the soviet time dull towels have very elaborate crocheted laces attached. I don't remember her knitting, but I think she did it as well - just to dress the family. I think my handicraft interest comes from that line of family, I am just slightly sad that when she was still with us I was young and hot headed and wasn't interested much. I could use her advice now every so often.
My great-aunt gave me some really brightly colored 100% wool from old times and since I had a lot of time on my hands I nearly finished the Kiri shawl. Yeay!
Monday, June 19, 2006
"Princess's Pink Dream"
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Leenu uus kleit
"Printsessi roosa unistus"
Lõng: Steinbach Wolle Capri Ombrè, 100% puuvill
Vardad: 3,25 mm
Kulus: ~280 gr
Muster: oma peast
Mõnedele küsimsutele vastused siia posti:
Elsale: Jah, täitsa Capri Ombrè on ;)
Kajakas: kulub umbes 4 usinat päeva, et valmis teha ja mida väiksem laps, seda kiiremini valmis saab.
Ematehnik: ääres kasutasin Tiina Meeri raamatust võetud tähekirja (sama motiiv kordub ka enne seelikuosa (seal kaks korda tähekirja, vahel 3 rida parempidist kudet; ning esikülje krae ääres ja varrukaservades) - kolmest silmusest kududa välja 1 PP, 1 õhksilmus, 1 PP. Nipp veel hästi lõdvas mahakudumises)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Kui Ingrid käib linnas...
HAA! Ostab lõnga muidugi!
Baltijaama juursest poekesest maavillast värvimise tarbeks.
Müürivahe kauplusest sokkides triibulõnga ja mohääri pitssalli jaoks.
Kena kopikas kukkus rahakotist.
Ühest käsitööpoest tahaks Itaaliasse tellida veel arhailise tikandiga istumispadjad. Kena laks.
I went to the city....
Guess what happens when Ingrid goes to town?
HA! Of course she buys yarn!!!
So today I bought:
BBB Kid Mohair (mohair-polyammide) for lacy scarf
Match Strumpf und Sportwolle (superwash-polyamid) - the stripy one for socks
and some Estonian natural colour wool. I will try to find some dyes tomorrow and dye something before weekend. If I am successful, knitting will be a B-priority for my vacation time. By the way how much wool can one dye during 3 weeks (hopefully we will have warm and sunny weather)?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Never come home empty-handed
From WWKIP gathering in Tallinnn, I had to leave rather early to go to a small Southern Estonian town called Viljandi. The town was having a Hanseatic Days festival so I wanted to check out the handicraft fair. I met an old aquiantance, who surprise-surprise had taken on handicrafts for a living. It seems just a few years ago, when she was a graduate from law staying home with children and saying that she got a job in designing furniture. Life is weird, isn't it?
Of course I couldn't leave without buying some yarn. The nice merry girls at the yarn booth.. and... and.. and... oh I don't know what made me buy it, I've made tons of promises not to, but I bought SteinbachWolle Capri Ombrè and some extra Katia Jamaica for a project in mind, which hopefully will turn out to be my first pattern... or a messy pile in the corner of the closet.
Anyways, I got the yarn straight away on needles, and the Pink Dream was this far in the early hours of the morning.
Since in one Estonian handicraft forum people are thinking about organizing a little Christmas-gift exchange action, I think I did a good thing purchasing following books:
These are Estonian mittens' patternbook, upper ones are also in English, with written instructions and schematics, bottom one is a black-and-white thin booklet of patterns. The cutouts are from the books on top.
Tühjade kätega koju ei tulda.
Lossimägede nõlval sai tehtud esimene kuduproov ja täna hommikul rippus saladuslik ese nööril juba sellises konditsioonis.
Ja kuna Kullaketrajates ripub üleval selline aktuaalne teema, siis on ju päris hästi väljakukkunud, et ma just nüüd endale sellised raamatud soetasin:
Ahjaa, et kui kellelgi on üle sellised raamatud nagu Tiina Meeri "Kudumisõpetus" nr 2, 3 ja 5; siis ma hea meelega ostaks. Mulle võib kirjutada siia.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
WWKIP day in Tallinn
Friday, June 09, 2006
Finally! Here it is, nicely shaped. And in my garndmother's garden some tulips are the same colour.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cathay (50% cotton, 35% viscose-microfiber, 15% silk), colour: 10
Needles: 4 mm
Amount: ca 200 gr
Pattern: Leaf t-shirt
Lõpuks ometi, kenasti kehasse töödeldud - minu suvetop on valmis. Ja vanaema aias õitsevad üks-ühele värvi tulbid :D
Lõng: Debbie Bliss Cathay (50% puuvill, 35% viskoos-mikrofiiber, 15% siid), värv: 10
Vardad: 4 mm
Kulu: ca 200 gr
Muster: Leaf t-shirt
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Milaano lõngapoed
Canetta(ajakirja Mani di Fata poed) - vaat, nendest poodidest leiab imepärase kvaliteediga Itaalia lõngu. Ja lõikeid-disaine müüakse palju, samtui saab tellida endale käsitöötooteid-valmiskaupu. Ainus pood, kus te kindlasti saate inglise keelega hakkama asub mugavalt vanalinnas via Dante'l (Tänav mis viib Duomo katedraali eest Milaano Sforza lossi) - Via Dante nr. 2. Vaateaknal ei pruugi te lõngu kohe märgata, seal on pigem titeriideid ja pitse-linikuid. Sest osaliselt elatab pood end sellega, et müüb tellimuse peale käsitööna valmistatud asju (olles nagu vahendaja või nii). Kokku on neil 4 poodi Milaanos (1 veel Comos, 1 Roomas, 1 Torinos ja 1 Naapolis):
- 2 Via Solferino, Via Pontaccio nurgal (Breras)
- 7 Via Vettabbia (San Lorezo kiriku ja Rooma sammaste ligidal)
- 22 Via Mazzini (Duomo ja Missouri metroo vahel)
- 2 Via Dante
Peale Canetta poodide tean ma veel kahte pisikest, mis jäävad kasklinna raadiusesse. Kumbagi pole ma seestpoolt näinud - ainult läbi akna saanud piiluda, sest mõlema puhul olen ajaliselt eksinud (lõuna on püha ja rahvas sööb ja puhkab... mina mitte)
La Bottega della Lana (Villa Pood) - aadress Via Pergolesi 1 (esmasp. - laup. k 9:30-12:30 ja 15:30- 19:30, suletud pühapäeval ja esmaspäeva hommikul), nagunii peab üks korralik Milaano shoppaja minema Corso Buenos Airesele, mida soovitan alustada punase liini metroopeatuse Loreto poolsest otsast, ja see lõngapood asub shoppingutänavaga risti (kui Loretost alustada, siis jääb paremat kätt). Kui hirmus kuumaks läheb lõngapoes, siis paar maja edasi on mõnus jäätisekohvik pea jahutamiseks.
Just hiljuti avastasin ma veel ühe lõngapoe, mis on Loreto metroopeatusest pisikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Aga noh, ma ikka sisse ei saanud, pühapäeviti suletud.
Nera Toffoli Idee & Filati - tähelepanu!!! Nad kauplevad ka pesuga, nii et vaateaknad on neil kolu täis. Aadressiks Piazza San Materno 16, Via Accademia nurgal. Lähim metroopeatus on punase liini (Linea 1) Pasteur, aga kui juba Corso Buenos Airesele asja, siis pole kauge astuda sealt otse. Eks ole, pidage siis meeles, et lõuna ajal on pood suletud, umbes 12st 15ni.
Pole aimu ka, kas nad inglise keelt räägivad. Aga kätega vehkides saab edukalt hakkama Itaalias.
Yarn Shops in Milano
Canetta (Shops of the magazine Mani di Fata) - You can find amazing quality yarn there, but no fun-fancy-special yarns. But the quality is amazing, the softness of most yarns and they have wide selection of colors in back-room, so don't hesitate to ask. The only shop where I know the sales lady DOES speak English is conveniently in the very historic center on via Dante (The street that leads from Duomo to the Castle Sforza) - Via Dante 2. On the window they have baby clothes and embroidered stuff, laces... so check in, they don't keep yarn on the window usually. And they have good choice of magazines and design sheets. Shops of Canetta are located:
- 2 Via Solferino angolo Via Pontaccio (in Brera)
- 7 Via Vettabbia (near San Lorezo church and Roman pillars)
- 22 Via Mazzini (between Duomo and Missouri tube stop)
- 2 Via Dante
Okay there are 2 more I know in the central area, both of them I have been unfortunate to just pass by (for instance at lunchtime they are closed).
One is in near Corso Buenos Aires (anyways a must when visiting MIlano, for it is a big shopping street, huge I'd say) - It is called La Bottega della Lana (The Wool Shop) - address Via Pergolesi 1 (from Monday to Sturday 9:30-12:30 and 15:30 til 19:30, closed Sunday and Monday morning), near Red Line tube stop Loreto. When walking on Corso Buenos Aires, coming from the tube stop, walk on right side of the street and it is on your right. Just a few step after the shop is also a great icecream shop. SO if it is hot outside and you are hot-headed about yarn - icecream will cool you down.
I just recently discovered another promising yarn-store in the area of the Central Railstation (Stazione Centrale), I have not visited it, for I have been unluckywith the time again (I passed by with bike one Sunday).
Nera Toffoli Idee & Filati - Pay attention, they also sell underwear next door so their windows are rather crowded. You can find them from Piazza San Materno 16, corner of Via Accademia. Closest tube stop on Red Line (Linea Rossa or Line nr 1) is Pasteur, just one stop after Loreto. Again remember, they close for lunch - from around 12 to 15.
That's it folks, 2 others are so out of center, that I know their location but since I have no car I haven't tried looking them up.