Monday, March 26, 2007


It is getting out of hand for the millonth time at Casa Mia. I have again collected too many UFOs around the house.

1) Yoke sweater for me (I am aware the winter is over)
2) Baby-boy set (must finish tonight, for he was born last night and they tend to grow too fast) Updtae: redoing. I think it's too small.
2) Baby-girl set (have 4 weeks, but want to finish ASAP)
3) Gray socks
4) A bag to be felted (deadline june)

The most embrassing ones, which only need to have the ends darned in:
1) a Phildar vest for my daughter
2) Swallwotail Shawl number two
3) a load of socks

And of course I am already keen to start woth projects like (have already swatched):
1) S. Japel's cute sweater from Interweave Knits Spring 2007
2) Koigu Jacket
3) N. Gaughan amazing spiral tunic from her book

It is obviously too much!


Kahjuks mul pole ja ma ei oska teha (loe: ei viitsi nuputada) siia kõrvalpaneeli üht kaunist protsendinäidikut kõigi poolikute projektide jaoks, seega tuleb niisama üks post. Mis peaks mind takka sundima. Sest mul on praegusel hetkel pooleli:

1) Yoke kampsun endale (jah, ma tean, talv on läbi)
2) Poiss-beebi komplekt (tuleb viimased asjad teha, sest poiss sündis täna öösel ja need beebid kasvavad hirmus kiiresti)
2) Tüdruk-beebi komplekt (aega 4 nädalat, siis tahaks üle anda)
3) Hallid sokid
4) Heidekott

Otsad on vaja peita (see ons ee kõige häbiväärsem koht, sest kuidas saab olla nii, et ainult viiamne nüke tegemata. Täna õhtul, juba tuli tunne):
1) Leenu Phildar vestil
2) Pääsusabal nr 2
3) hunnikul sokkidel

Ja juba oli mul vaja teha proovilappe
1) S. Japeli hunnitule kampsile Interweave Knits kevad 2007 nubrist
2) Koigu jakile
3) N. Gaughani imekaunile spiraaltuunikale

Seda on ilmselgelt liiga palju!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Kodumaised põlvikud

Kudusin valmis Eesti põlvikud. Mustrialge pärit Nacy Bushi "Folk knitting in Estonia". Materjaliks eesti Liisu käsitöölõng ja veneaegsed täisvillased värvilõngad. Kudusin nad valmis ca 6 päevaga (kududes mustriosa kodus ja muu ainult bussis, metroos, järjekordades). Muutsin mustrit kanna ja otsa suhtes, samuti tegin kahandusi, et oleksid mõnusalt ümber jala. Peaks vist ikka igaks juhuks panema kumminiidi ülemisse serva, kipuvad alla vajuma.

Raamat iseenesest on superinspiratsioon. Mul on juba 3 paari sokke valmis joonistatud, kui kodu käima saan, siis ostan Liisut juurde (valget või halli) ja hakkan jõulukingitusi tegema. Kipub nagu meelest minema, et Eestis on suurepärased vanad kudutehnikad ja meelde tulid ka mustriraamatud, mis mul siin riiulisootavad. Mul on ju ligi 3 kilo villast lõngagi, mis tuleks sokkideks ja kinnasteks vorpida.
Igatahes Eesti villane rokib sajaga. Põhjuseid teate isegi.
Lõng: Eesti villane Liisu, kulus 106 grammi.
Vardad: 2 mm
Muster: Muudetud "Rita's Stockings"

Estonian Stockings

I made myself Estonian stockings. The pattern is the optimized version of Nancy Bush's "Folk knitting in Estonia". Material used is an Estonian lambswool (colored yarn is at elast 10-15 years old). I think they are cool. And never mind that one of the stockings seems smaller than the other it's just bad photographing not knitting skills.
I made the stockings a) longer b) more shaped c) followed only the lace and colored pattern part. Then got tired of reading and made the heel and tip like my mom teached me when I was beginning to knit my first socks years ago.

The books is surely great inspiration and I gotta buy some more natural white wool from Estonia for I already drew up 3 pairs of socks I wanna make for nexy Christmas.
I must say that the best sock yarn is Shetland type, like Estonian wool for many reasons... it might not be the softest one and it makes you itchy if your skin is tender, but, hey, use a pair of light cotton socks under.
1) it's very very resistant
2) it goes only softer with every wash (only handwash, with natural detersive if possible)
3) it stays in form
4) it's warm when it's cold and doesn't make your feet sweat even if it's warm outside (of course I don't recommend wearing them with 25+ C)

Yarn: Estonian lambswool, 100% pure wool, quantity: 106 grams for pair of long socks.
Needles: 2 mm
PAttern: Modified "Rita's Stockings"

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Update! New Pictures

Actually these two projects were finished nearly a month ago, but I haven't been able to get really good pictures of them. And I don't think I will in the nearer future. So you have to do with these lousy pictures.
The KNIT that worried me the most, that made me swear the most and that I love the most.
I don't like you, Vogue knititng though, for the pictures for this project were obviously misleading.
And I think Norah Gaughan knits really tight, for I couldn't understand how she could get such short pentagon sides with 5,5 mm needles. I used 4,5 mm. The yarn is extremely similar to the one N.G used.
Anyways it was very obvious when I had knit around 5-6 pentagons that it's going to be huge! I didn't stop though thinking it would be OK when I get the second row and sleeves done. I nearly cried standing in front of the mirror seeing the big potato bag I had spent hours working on.
I threw it aside for 2 days, then picked it up and knit the collar, it didn't get much bigger - it was still floppy. What horrible holes under the arms - I really couldn't stand watching me move inside it. I then realized what this capecho meant. Thanks for the warning. It wasn't wearable. I had one and half ball of the yarn left and finally I decided to add another band to underarms and back. It worked, it was still too big from front but fit well from back, the bottom band pulls down the pentagons on the back fitting it better and closes the underarms which means no more floppy "ears". It's still slightly too big from the front, so I have to cross the hems well (added a button on the innser side of collar to keep the hems together). Closed with great-grandmothers silver pin - perfect. (nearly)
Yarn: Canetta Merino's Otto (100% meriino, 50 gr = 90 m)
Needles: 4,5 mm
Pattern: Nora Gaughan Capecho Vogue Knitting, Winter 2007

Photo thanks to Typesetter

Here I am surrounded by a mob of Italian knitters wanting to know how I made it. And me trying to explain not very well, I hadn't prepared. See the bottom band!
Suur lõnganäitus minu inglise keelses kudublogis

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Flash Your Stash: Yarn Pr0n

Update: My camera self-repaired this night and now functions again, therefore some missing pictures are added. I told you it does it.
So, I'm a little late, the real prongorayhp (had to mix up the letters) as we all know was done last year on April 1st, but back then I didn't have much to flash. I've been a busy little bee though and bought a lot this year. And I cannot wait until 1st of April to see whether it will be organized again.

Winter yarns

Estonian yarn - some colored by myself, some are mixed with dog hair, most are very old (at least 10 years) and my Estonian Stocking :). Subtotal: 2860 grams

Southern American 100% merino handspun, handdyed yarn perfect for felting, with amazing colors. Subtotal: 400 gr.
Finnish yarns from Novita. I had an idea to make a sweater for my daughter, she didn't like the colors so they are waiting for someone :) next winter maybe. I got some babies coming around in the next few months. Novita Neliraita (100% wool) and Novita Bambino (100% wool). Subtotal: 380 gr

Vintage yarn. Schaffhauser Wolle Laine de Schaffhouse "Allround" (100% merino) light blue (which I've used quite a lot in mitts and socks) and yellow (that I use to try out new patterns). Subtotal: 280 grams.

Some nice stripy baby-yarn for a tiny summerish sweater for Mari's funky baby! Mari do you like it? I'm gonna knit it soon! GRM Filati Super Baby (100% virgin wool). Subtotal: 150 grams.

GRM Filati Norvegia. 100% wool again. It's actual color is dark egplant color, and it's gonna be a hat probably. Cabled probably. I don't know yet, it was on sale. Subtotal: 150 grams (one skein is missing from my stash! Edit 14.03.2007: Found it!)

Mohair. Vintage. Jaeger Softy Mohair (70% mohair, 30% acrylic). 115 gr. Jaeger Fine Mohair (70% mohair, 30% wool). 265 gr. Subtotal: 380 gr.

Lace yarn. I got this bagful for some 10€ a year and half ago from Canetta store. Super Zephir - it's an amazing cobweb weight yarn, 100% virgin wool, merino I guess. And I haven't seen it anymore. I have 315 grams. (And I've knit with it 2 lace shawls)
I have some odds and ends of Baruffa Merino's Otto, BBB Full and Lane Borgosesia Via Veneto, which have already turned into 2 scarfs and one hat for two young ladies and the last hat is waiting to be finished. But I'm not in hurry, for winter is already far :) Subtotal: 200 gr. Oh and in the corner of that bag are some woollen embroidery yarns. 45 grams.

(I hope Typesetter or Sirkus will sponsor me this Saturady with one picture of my... Edit: my camera self-repaired) Titan wool Winner (100% Merinos) many skeins and half done yoke-pullover which I currently own 700 grams.

And I also bought few weeks ago amazingly soft and amazingly cheap 100% merino yarn from a yarn shop on my street... :| oops, yes I found one on my road... this is going to be my doom... I have 400 grams and it costs some €3 per 200 grams.

And last but not least of collection of nice woollish yarns: 15 skeins of Koigu KPM and KPPPM. Subtotal: 750 grams.

TOTAL for winter yarns: 7010 grams

Summer yarns

Sesia Tratto. 10 balls. 50% cotton, 50% viscose. I had an idea and a scheme and calculations. But I've misplaced them. Subtotal: 500 grams.

Katia Jamaica. Very very very nice 100% cotton. Love, love, love the colors. Subtotal: 400 grams.

13.03.2007: My camera just decided that he has had enough of the flashing and doesn't cooperate anymore. If it doesn't selfrepair (like it has done some 3-4 times before) and I cannot find photos of the yarns from my archives, you'll have to do without :( It's back!

I have 7 skeins of Cotone Cable 5 yarn I used in my first project from Mani di Fata. I bought some extra colors (light pink, white, apple green) and have used it for some unfinished crochet items. Subtotal: 260 grams

I also have some vintage cotton yarns I got from my mother-in-law. They are made for knitting, needles around 3-4 mm and that's all I know for the labels were long gone whan I got my hands on them. Subtotal about: 250 grams

I also have some Debbie Bliss Cathay. 260 grams plus I want to rip this, so I'll have more than half a chilo.

I have some bamboo yarn as well, Ornaghi filati Bamboo (really pink). I have mmm.... 6 skeins, that makes the subtotal: 300 grams. Why the hell did I buy it, I don't like the pink that much.

TOTAL for summer yarns: 1970 grams.

And that's it? Oh no, girls, we're not over yet. A hint: why do you think I called my blog Odds and Ends? Because I have a truckload of odd-end-yarns. Most from projects completed. But not all.
(Clicking on the photo will take you to the photo on Flickr with comments)
This is my collection of fancy yarns. To add in... or maybe one day, just one day I manage to push myself far enough to start freeform crocheting. Until then I collect them. So what do I have in this pile?
Alvita Frou Frou - 50 grams
OnLine Linie 171 Shari - 100 grams
Alize Florida - 100 grams
Alize London - 50 grams
G-B Wolle Punk - 50 grams
Alize Santana - 50 grams
Emmebi Cortina - 50 grams
Tropical Lane Princhellino - 50 grams
OnLine Linie 197 Zara - 50 grams
Silke Nebbia - 50 grams
G-B Wolle Gloria - 50 grams
Subtotal: 650 grams

And these are not so fancy yarns, mainly ribbon-cord-types. Again one day they'll be freeform.
Sesia Spice - 400 grams
2 skeins unknown cotton yarn - 100 grams
2 10 gram skeins of silvery cord, about 40 meters - 20 grams
Emmebi Ibisco - 300 grams
Sesia Merlino - 150 grams
G-B Wolle Mosaik - 100 grams
Subtotal: 1170 grams

And finally, all the bits and pieces of those fine skeins I've used for my projects. Many of these I have no idea what type of yarns they are, for some are from way back... 7-8 years. And those I have: 1540 grams

Then I have some 120 grams of Phildar Legende. Very nice yarn. And I just remembered I have not shown you the project with this yarn.

I've also got an unkown quality laceweight yarn I got ripping out a very nice 1960ies cardigan. And it will be a lace scarf one day. Until then you just have to be happy to know, I've got 150 grams of it :)

And the Total for odds and ends is: 3630 grams

Which makes the grand total 12 chilos and 610 grams.

Here is an entire list of all the yarns I have/have had (this is for my own records):

Alvita Frou Frou
OnLine Shari
Alize Florida
Alize London
G-B Wolle Punk
Alize Santana
Emmebi Cortina
Tropical Lane Princhellino
OnLine Zara
Silke Nebbia
G-B Wolle Gloria
Arvita Merino
Baruffa Merinos Otto
BBB Full
BBB Kid Mohair
Canetta Cotone Cable 5
Canetta Futura
Canetta Super Zephir
Cigno Nero Samos
Debbie Bliss baby Cashmerino
Debbie Bliss Cathay
Elotroi Liisu
Evilla wool
Filatura di Crosa Zara
GRM Filati Norvegia
GRM Filati Super Baby
Il Bottegone Pura Lana Vergine
Jaeger Baby Marino
Jaeger Fine Mohair
Jaeger Softy Mohair
Katia Jamaica
Katia Twist
Lane Borgosesia Via Veneto
Mondial Folk
Novita 7 Veljesta Jätiraita
Novita Aino
Novita Bambino
Novita Isoveli
Novita Nalle Colori
Onlinie Java
OnLinie Shari
Ornaghi Alicante
Ornaghi Bamboo
Ornaghi Real Baby
Phildar Legende
Schaffhauser Wolle Allround
Schoeller+Stahl Limbo Mexiko
Sesia Mistral
Sesia Spice
Emmebi Ibisco
Sesia Merlino
G-B Wolle Mosaik
Sesia Tratto
Silke Hobbit
Steinbach Wolle Capri Ombré
Strumpf und Sportwolle Match
Titan Wool Winner

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Last White One - bolero

Last white item from my knits. Bolero for my daughter, with knit scalloped edge and crocheted sides.
Yarn: Silke Hobbit (100% merino, 50 gr = 80 mt)
Needles: 5 mm
Pattern: my own

Strangely when skeined the yarn seemed soft, when knit I thought it to be too hard and finally when I washed it it was soft allover again.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Valge nagu lumi :) lisa

See on viimane asi seeriast 'valge nagu lumi', sellest värvist on nüüd mõneks ajaks kõrini.
Kudusin Leenule sametkleidi peale valge boolero, mis ulatub poole kõhuni.
Kootud on see varrastega 5 mm, lõngaks Silke "Hobbit" (100% villa, 50 gr = 80 mt). Muster enda peast. Huvitav oli see, et keras tundus hästi mõnus löng, kui kudusin, siis kahtlesin selle pehmuses, tundus nagu hirmus jäik, aurutamisega aga muutus taas väga mõnusaks.
Üks väike lähivõte ka, siin näeb kootus allserva pitsi (scalloped edge) ja heegeldatud serva.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Pääsusaba nr. 2

Minu Pääsusaba. Kudusin tolle ca 15 tunniga valmis, lõngaks Canetta Super Zaphir (100% meriino - pitsilõng), mida võtsin kolmekordselt, sest aega polnud palju. Oli ta ju varuvariandiks kui Capecho peaks täitsa nässu minema. Lisaks veel piduliku sära andmiseks Madeira Metallic hõbedane lisaniit(45% polüamiid ja 55% metalliseeritud niit). Kootud 4 mm Addi Turbo ringvarrastega.

Jah need kaunid kuid tülikad nupud on mul ka. Leidsin netist nipi, et tagasireal ei ole vaja end kiruda ja neid proovida viie(või mitu iganes neid sul on)kaupa pahempidise võttega kokku kududa, piisab täiesti, kui tõstad kuni viimase silmani need kudumata pahempidise võttega paremale vardale, kood selle ainumase nupusilma pahempidi läbi ning tõstad kudumata silmad üle kootud silma ükshaaval.

(Päike tegi nalja)

Typesetter'i sall

Viimasel ajal olen ma hakkama saanud hästi paljude valgete-kreemide kudumitega. Mõningatel põhjustel (nagu esmapresentatsiooni üllatusmoment) tõttu tulevad nad netti alles nüüd. Alustame kõige viimasest: umbes kaheksa kuud tagasi ostsin ma Vogue Knittingu sokimustri jaoks valget ja musta lõnga. Kuna täpselt lõngaparameetrid meeles polnud, siis ostsin täitsa mööda. Ja need kerad tolmlesid mul korvis. Kuni ühel päeval pani Typesetter (mu itaallannast kudusõbranna) meie itaalia keelsesse ühisblogi üles lihtsa sallimustri. Mul oli lõng ja oli vaja mingit vähe ajutööd nõudvat närvirahustuskudumit, nii ta varrastele saigi. Üks öö istusin kella neljani üleval endale korrutades, ainult üks rida veel. Kaalub 43 grammi (tegin ülejäänud seitsemga paar pitsproovilappi) ja pikkust tuli 117 cm, laiuseks 16 cm. Küsimus, mida teha kahe musta värvi keraga? Väga mõnus pehme, siidisetundega lõng on.


Lõng: Ornaghi filati "Real Baby" (100% tallevilla, 50 gr = 280 mt)
Vardad: 3,75 mm
Muster: Typesetteri roheline sall

Quick knit lace

A very quick pattern I got from co-authored Motivi a Maglia (all knitty Italians unite!) blog. I bought some yarn a long time (ha, maybe a year) ago for a pair of stockings from Vogue Knitting, but it wasn't good enough to be knit in black and white (black ate all the bright color) so I had one skein of white and two black. White turned into a relax-knit between many other bigger projects, for it really didn't need much attention, the pattern is very simple, yet effective. the yarn is really a miracally soft, very fine though, so if you want to knit more than lace, make it a double.
Yarn: Ornaghi filati "Real Baby" (100% pure new wool, 50 gr = 280 mt)
Needles: 2,75 mm
Pattern: Typesetter's green scarf
Length/width/weight: 117 cm/16 cm, 43 gr

Now What shall I do with 2 skeins of black?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Aasta suurim üllatus

Mehed vihkavad šoppamist. Minu oma ka. (Muidugi väljaarvatud siis, kui nad endale vidinaid ja "mänguasju" ostavad). Seega olin ma väga rõõmus, kui mu palvele New Yorkis lõngaostelda jaatavalt vastati. (Muidugi sellepärast, et endale oli juba jõutud sealt üks väga kallis vidin soetada). Eeltingimuseks nõuti põhjalikult tehtud kodutööd, s.o lõngapoe asukoht, kuidas kohale jõuda, täpne ostunimekiri ning eeldatav kogusumma. Veetsin kaks päeva-ööd internetis. Veendusin, et ameeriklased ei vasta e-mailidele, ning vähestel poodidel on korralikud saidid. Lõppkokkuvõtteks kirjutasin reede hilissõhtul nimekirja - suhteliselt lühike tuli. Soovisin Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino't 4*50 grammi. Uurisin välja 8-9 erinevat värvikoodi, et ehk ühe neist ikka leiab. Ega ma mingi laristaja pole, 200 grammist Koigust saab pitssalli või m˜ütsi ning kindad või 2 paari sokke, hind on tal ju tulisoolane. Lisaks andsin kolme raamatu nimed, millest palusin üks tuua.
Pühapäeva ennelõunal seis mu esikus mitu kohvrit, üks Mikihiirega kingikott ja üks pealt kinni suuremat sorti jõupaberkott. Kuna mul suur vaaritamine pooleli, ei läinud näppima oma rasvaste sõrmedega, käed värisesid, aga hoidsin end tagasi. Ma ju ei teadnud, mis seal kotis on.
Ste rääkis muljeid lõngapoest. Kiitis nende disaini, lihtsust, imestas kudutundide hindade üle ja seletas, kuidas tal minu eest ostlemine läks. Olevat sisenenud poodi ning ulatanud poedaamele väljatrükitud nimekirja. Too visanud pilgu peale ja andnud nimekirja tagasi, et need värvid on kõik otsas. Toonud tagant poolt klappredeli, andnud tolle Ste'le kaenlasse ja juhatanud lahkelt tahapoole, näidates kätte terve seina täitva riiulisektsiooni: "Valige palun".
Selle peale ütlesid mu närvid üles, kujutasin silme ees ette mingeid musta-hallitriibulisi Koigu kerasid ja kihutasin koti poole. Olge ausad, värvimaitse meil ühtne pole. Kott oli raskem kui ma ootasin. Palju raskem. Sekund hiljem ma juba hüppasin ringi.
Koti sees olid:

15 VIHTI Koigu KPM ja KPPM lõnga (ma oleks samast värvigammast isegi valinud, esimese korra kohta mitte paha) ja need ka veel:

Maie Landra "Knits from Painter's Palette" ja Nora Gaughan "Knititng Nature".
Noh, mis ma nüüd teen Koiguga?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The biggest surprise!

Men hate shopping. My one does as well. (Unless they are buying their gadgets.) Unfortunately for him and luckily for me, my one had a week in NY City, and one free day to go shopping. So I gave him a list and asked for 4 skeins of Koigu KPPPM (I looked up 7-8 colors, so that he'd surely find me some), prepared a list of shops to choose from and hoped that the stores have the yarn. Last midnight I got an SMS saying, "I got you the books and some yarn". I think it's not a surprise that I was very content, all experienced yarnholics are when holding Koigu in hand.
So this morning he arrived with a mysetrius bag which was way too heavy for one book and four skeins of Koigu, as I had requested. And a story: "So I went to this store where you said I can find the Koigu colors you wanted. I entered and gave the list to the shopkeeper, she said those yarns are all sold, gave me a ladder and showed me to the shelves. Did I men ion that I needed a ladder to reach them all. I hope you like the colors, cause I chose them myself." Hearing this I opened the bag striaght away, finding this:

15 SKEINS of Koigu KPM and KPPM (And the colors are quite right as well)
and these:

Maie Landra "Knits from Painter's Palette" and Nora Gaughan "Knititng Nature".
I am happy, happy, happy.
Now what shall I do with 15 skeins of Koigu? ;)


Lisatud pilte!

Saage tuttavaks, mu kõige suurem murelaps ja lõppkokkuvõtteks kõige änksam kehakate, mis mulle igal seljasolekul ohtralt kiitusi kogub.
Pildid on nii kehvad, kui vähegi olla annab, üks põhjusi, miks ma sellega olen nii kaua viivitanud, ongi halvad pildid. Aga praegu ei paista ka kuskilt otsast mõnd pildistajat näha, kel saaks sabast kinni võtta ja ühe pargi-muuseumi pildiseeria teha.
Nii, et paremate puudmisel leppige sellega, mis on.

Mul oli nimelt vaja ühel pidulikule üritusele õlakatjat, pitssalli päris ei tahtnud ja kui mul jaanuari lõpupäevil Vogue Knitting postkasti potsatas, siis oli mu valik koheselt tehtud. Siinkohal ma tänaks Krentut, kes oma kunagise ilusa kampsikuga minu üldse huvi äratas selle kuduajakirja vastu.
Ma usun, et kõik maailma kudujad, kes seda Nora Gaughani ilmaimet on püüdnud teha, on disaineri ja Vogue Knittingu maapõhja sajatanud. Sest ajakirjas on originaalversioon palju ilusam (tädi hoiab käed ristis ja käeaugu jubedused ei paista välja). Esiteks pole ma mitte iial olnud mõne asja kudumisel nii närvis, ettehirmutatud craftster.orgi foorumis toimuva arutelu tõttu. Ainuke mõõt, mis antud, oli ühe viiskülje serva pikkus, aga sellest loomulikult ei piisa, kui oled materjali välja vahetanud, küll ülisarnase lõnga vastu, aga siiski. Kui ma ta lõpuks esialgseks proovimiseks valmis sain (tuhat lahtist otsa rippumas nagu tatiread), siis ma hakkasin peegli ees nutma. Nii palju tühja tööd. Otsustasin, et vähemalt krae peab ära kuduma, ehk avitab natukene (ma kudusin S suuruse järegi ja tuli nagu L) vormi tõsta seda kartulikotti. Läks natuke paremaks. Ja siis ma vaatasin, et mul on veel 70 grammi lõnga alles ja korjasin allserva eestüki rombi küljest silmad üles ning kudusin üle selja põiki palmikulise osa - kaenlaauguaugud kadusid. Kohe nägi parem välja. Aga suur oli ikkagi, eriti hõlmad. Ümberkudumiseks aega polnud, ning seega otsustasin, et tuleb lihtsalt hõlmad risti panna, krae siseküljele õmblesin nööbi ja heegeldasin nööbiaasa (et üks pool alla ei vajuks) ning kinnitasin eest hõlmad hoopis vanavanaema hõbeprossiga. Väga ilus sai.
Lõng: Canetta Merino's Otto (100% meriino, 50 gr = 90 m)
Vardad: 4,5 mm
Muster: Nora Gaughan Capecho Vogue Knitting, Winter 2007
Pilt Typesetteri poolt
Ja siin võeti mind piiramisrõngasse itaalia tädikeste poolt, kellele ma ei suutnud selgitada, kuidas see tehtud on, sest nad arvasid seda ise teadvat ning rääkisid minust üle, esitades mingeid ulmelisi versioone, kuidas ma olen kogu selle asja <> sellistest kujundidest kokku õmmelnud. Siit on näha ka, kuidas tagumine põikpalmik aitab asja ilusti istuma.
Aga teistele proovijatele: kindlasti peab lõng olema väga väheste keerdudega, ning vardad erinevalt mustris märgitud 5,5 asmemel 4,5 mm vms.
Ahjaa selle kudumisega sain ka teada, et inglise stiilis (st parema käega lõnga hoidjad) koovad tunduvalt tugevamalt, kui vasakukäega lõngahoidjad. Vahe on väga suur.