Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Vabaheegelduse esimesed sammud / Freeforming for the first time

Eelmisel nädalal osalesin vabaheegelduse kursusel, meie väike grupp kogunes neljapäeva õhtul kokku, et kuulata sellest huvitavast maailmast täpsemalt ja proovida ka pisut toda raamideta tehnikat Prudence Mapstone'i juhendusel. Tegelikult kohtusin Prudence'iga paar päeva varem kohalikul kudukoosolekul ja juba siis tegi ta mulle esimese demo tüki valmis.

Last week I participated in a small course of freeform crochet and knitting given by Prudence Mapstone here in Singapore. We actually met two days earlier at a local knit out, where she showed us some of her marvelous creations as well as gave a demo of freeform crochet. In 20 minutes she came up with this and I was hooked.

Prudence's mini show piece from local KO

Kaval, sest pärast seda istusin kella 3ni öösel üleval ja proovisin ise ka midagi valmis käkerdada.
Nagu netifoorumeid juba eelnevalt kuulda oli, on Prudence tõepoolest üks köitvamaid ja toredamaid juhendajaid, keda soovida. Kuidas muidu oleks 3 tundi lausa lennanud ja me neljakesi saanud suurema hulga inspiratsiooni.

So hooked that that night I stayed up very very late and kept trying to crochet very misshapen bullions. I asked a lot of questions about Prudence's knitty-crochety life that evening ;) so that two days later at Betsy's place I was very eager to know the little tricks of freeforming. Prudence is such a marvelous teacher that the three hours just flew by and I continued crocheting my piece also at home. We had a truly enlightening evening and hopefully I'll be able to meet Prudence somewhere else as well - after all, the world is tiny.

Our tiny group with Prudence

Minu töö kursusel õpitust sai selline, kuigi ma jõudsin ka täiesti vabaheegelduse põhimõttete vastaselt pisut üles harutada.

Anyways, after some ripping (yes, yes, I know this ought not be part of freeforming, but a wrong color choice and huge ruffles kinda didn't work for me at all) and some more experimenting I decided to finish my red explorations with this.

My first scrumble

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