Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New purchase

I ought to be getting rid of my yarn stash, well most of it, and yet I couldn't stop myself when last week a natural products market took place for a day. And of course I just happened to pass by. And of course I bought yarn, some natural wool from Puglia (Southern Italy) and some Argentian handspun wool in darker natural colors. Of course I'm knitting it already.
And today, right below my house there is another market and this yarn swift was calling out my name, I swear. Now it's mine for only 15 Euros. I used it to wind a ball from one of the skeins of that courgeous wool.


Typesetter said...

Mine was cheaper! ;-P

Ing. said...

Your's doesn't attach to the table :P

Typesetter said...

Heck, no! Maledetto Carter, mi hai battuto anche questa volta! (Questa te la fai spiegare da tuo marito.)
On the other hand, I have two new books: Knitting without tears and Viking pattenrs for knitting: My kind of books, both: basic models and lots of assorted instructions an why, where and how to do things.

Ing. said...

Ah sì, questi scherzi dei anziani :P
Ohohohohoh quei libri mi devi far vedere, ti faccio l'occhi belli se gli porti al prossimo incontro :P

Typesetter said...

Zut! Al prossimo incontro vengo con il bastone e te lo picchio sulle gambe, ecco!