Friday, February 10, 2012

TAST Week 6

Sellel nädalal proovime põlvikpistet. Kolm päeva ma kõigepealt mõtlesin, enne kui otsustasin üldse niidi ja nõela kätte võtta. Pärast aedpiste lõpmatuna näivad võimalusi, tundus selle väike veli natuke igavana. Kui sisu pole huvipakkuv, siis peab vormiga midagi tegema. Kolm päeva kuluski vormi välja mõtlemisele, et endal oleks huvi selle tikkimiseks. Alustasin tikkimist keskelt väljapoole, muutes iga natukese aja tagant värvi ja tikkimispistete liikumist. Päris põnev sai.

This week is of Chevron stitch. The first three days I just pondered over the stitch. After my successful exploration of all stitches herringbone, this seemed rigid and not very inspiring. If the essence is weak then the form needs to be strong, so the three days I just considered my options on how to make the stitch more appealing to myself. I started working on it from the center, trying every few turns to change the thread and try out its variations.


KK said...

Nii ilus!
Ma olen lootusetult maas, pole aega ja tahtmist hetkel

Christina said...

I thought it was very static too, until I started working with the stitch. Now I've realised it's much more flexible and very usable. As your beautiful work shows, nicely done.

Raphaela said...

Great interpretation of the stitch!