Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ma pole kaua tikkinud. Viimati tikkisin põlle ja enne seda jäävad mu sellealased katsetused eel-teismelise ikka, kui ristpistes linikuid ja töid kukkus nõelalt mitmeid.

I haven't embroidered for a long time. The last work of the sort was the hip-apron back in 2008 and before that I'd have to go back years into preadolescence when I used to whip up cross-stitch items of all sorts.

Singapuris leidsin ühe armsa linnulõike ja võtsin tikkimise taas käsile. Aga, nagu ikka, kui on tegu selliste komplektidega, siis jääb puudu tikkimisniidist. Kontrollisin kogu mustrijuhise üle, et ega ma pole valesti aru saanud, aga ei. Puudu jääb helesinisest värvist ligi veerand.

While vacationing in Singapore, I came across a bird design that was soooo cute that I decided to have a go at stitching with a needle. It was very nice until I noticed that the kit contains less light-blue thread than necessary for completion. It was clear that there was at least a quarter amount less than needed.

Kus häda kõige suurem, seal abi kõige lähem. Mõtelsin, et kuna ta nagunii mustrikohane ei tule, sest ma ei viitsi tikkimisniite juurde minna ostma ja tea, aks neid samu värve siit saabki, siis teen omaloomingut ja harjutan erinevaid pisteid ka. Nii ta siis praegu töö käigus kujuneb.

This put me back a little. While trying to come up with a solution, and going shopping isn't one in my mind since I have no idea where I could find DMC threads in Abu Dhabi, I thought why not have a go with other stitches and practice a little. So I started stitching the wings differently and am liking the result so much that I am considering of expanding my stitch practice to other areas as well.


DesignHybrid said...

WOW your stitching is beautiful! Such a cute kit too :)

Ise Hakanud Lillekasvataja said...

Sirvisin Su blogi. Ilusaid asju teed!