In the late autumn, when I was booking flight tickets to come back home in Estonia, I realised that we were short of winter equipment. especially my younger daughter was unprepared for the winter. So I drew up a clear plan to knit her mitts, hat and a nice warm sweater for when the temperature takes a deep drop below 0 C (wollen socks as well of course).
Lõppkokkuvõtteks said vaid loetud tunnid enne kohalejõudu valmis kaks paari kindaid - ühed suuremad teistele peale tõmbamiseks kirbukirjas kaheksakannaga ja teised niisama kirbukirjas. Lõngaks Leenu kampsSunist ülejäänud kerad ja pisut Rowan Purelife Organic Wool'i, mis oli suureks pettumuseks. Joosis nii hirmsasti värvi, et näpud olid mustad ja pidin lõnga enne läbi pesema - kolmandal korral jäi vesi puhtaks.
Just a few hours before arriving in estonia I finished the mitts - one pair is bigger so that they can be used as second pair over the first for very cold weather. I used the yarn left over from Leenu's Guernsey (last post before this one), and Rowan Purelife Organic Wool which was a horrible experience. After knitting just ten minutes with it, my fingers were black! So I had to wash the yarn before using it. It took three washes before the yarn didn't bleed and water was clean.
Siis veel üliarmas Aviatrix müts, mis kootakse kuklatagant ette kasutades lühendatud ridu, kogu töö sai valmis vaid paari tunniga. Nii mõnus tegemine, et kindalsti ei jää see viimaseks.
And also the supercute Aviatrix hat, it's construction is ingenious and knitting easy and pleasant, and foremost! quick. I will for sure knit more of these hats.
Ning lõpetuseks veel üks kampsun Leale, 100% alpaka lõngast. Inspiratsiooni sian ma Alice Starmore'ilt ja esimest korda kudusin kaenla alla siilud - nii saab kogu kampsuni kududa ringselt ja see on ju puhas rõõm. Kahjuks hetkel paremat pilti pole, sest allameetrine ei saa paigalseisukäsust aru.
Last but not least, 100% alpaca sweater for which I drew inspiration from Alice Starmore once again and knit for the first time underarm gussets. It's lovely when you can work the whole sweater in round!!! Unfortunately I couldn't make the small model stay still, so I'll add more pictures as soon as back home.