Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Teadmatust teadmiseks / Unreported being reported
Friday, December 03, 2010
Leenu meremehe kampsun / Leenu's New Guernsey
Ma ei ole kaua aega Leenule midagi kudunud. Eelmise talve käis ta lausa poekampsuniga, sest ma ei jõudnud saja toimetuse kõrvalt rohkem, kui mütsid ja sallid kududa. Pikkust on nende kahe aasta jooksul nii palju juurde visatud, et oligi viimane aeg uus kudum talle meisterdada.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Kampsun väikesele preilile / Cardigan for a little miss
Alustasin kudumisega enne Lea sündi, kui ma veel ei teadnudki, et tütreke on sündimas. (Sisetunne ei petnudki, sest nii suur tahtmine oli just tüdruku kampsunit teha, kuigi ma olin end ammu veennud, et kõhus on poiss. Nojah, eks ta meil ongi paras marakratt juba esimestest kõhumürglitest alates)
Ja ma kudusin ta valmis ka ainult loetud tundidega. Ja alustasin kokkuõmblemisega. Ja siis kolimise käigus panin ma oma sukanõela kuhugi iks kohta. Ja koos sukanõelaga kadus ka igasugune tahtmine kokkuõmmelda. Ja üldse kogu kudumine jäi soiku.
Augustis leidsin nõela üles ämma ja äia juurest oma asjade hulgast ning võtsin endale ühe õhtu kohustuste vabaks. Paar tunnikest ja kampsun saigi kokku.
Läheb veel sel talvel miskit moodi selga. Lõpp hea, kõik hea. Ja kuduisu tuli ka tagasi.
Can you imagine that the beginning of this cardigan was cast on more than a year ago? I actually knit it up in counted hours (why I chose a girl's cardigan while I thought to be expecting a boy was a mistery back then. Little hint from innerself I'd say.) I also began to sew it up in May 2009 and then I lost my darning needle. Never thought this could kill the mojo, but it did. I even tried to sew with another darning needle, but to no avail. Into the hibernation bin it went.
Just recently I went to check my suitcase at my inlaws house and among other long missing items I found my needle. It was just a few hours work and the cardi was all sown up. On the last hour it seems! Ends well, all well. And my mojo is back as well!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Muutuste tuules / Changes in the wind
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sinine pakike saarelt / Blue package from an Island
Pakike ootas mu saabumist kodus juba tükk aega ja lõpuks ometi ma jõudsin.
P.S Minu pakk läks Kaylile.
The swap's theme was to include a brooch of some sort and keep it in a color scheme. I found it very hard to add some crafty things to my package since I been living in a very uncrafty county - Puglia in Italy, but I got it done and this is how it turned out.
I on the other had to wait longer than other participants for my package, since it arrived at my parents' house. But as soon as I had landed and arrived home I got to open it. Instead of a brooch for me (I am so unbroochy person) I got a perfect "brooch" for my books! I had such a giddly feeling when I opened the package and I must say that it perfectly describes my stay in Ostuni this year, and the yarn is a great incentive for some smaller knitting, that I really ought to squeeze in!
Thank You so much!