Suur kindakudumise tuhin tuli peale. Mitte, et mul neid veel vaja oleks, aga egas need jõulud teab mis kaugel ole. ;) Põhjuseks uus mänguasi: lõngakoogikeerutaja.

The mitts on this picture are finished and being blocked, I'm writing down the pattern, and I have to decide whether to try and sell it or give it out as a free pattern. Follow me through the pros and cons and give me some feedback, please.
I don't feel 100% comfortable selling a mitten pattern, because overall I find mittens an easy knit.
It would be a little bit of a hassle setting up an account to sell it and I would have to figure out the price and the whole tax situation.
The yarn I'm using is not widely available.
I've invested a great deal of time to write up the pattern and draw clear schematics.
I'm explaining a new way to do really neat mitten decreases - I've not come across it yet in any patterns in English, and it is a very old and not widely used technique from Estonia.
The mittens have two versions and I'm giving alternative options.
What would you do?
Lisaks alustasin uuesti selle kudumiga, poolest märtsist saadik on töö järg jõudnud peaagu esimese esitüki valmimiseni, siiski uues värvikombinatsioonis:
After finishing the Mimosa wrap I took things easy for awhile, that means I didn't get into a new big project straight away but spent some time with my Koigu jacket, which started out like this
Kuna seekordne värvikombinatsioon kulutab ühte värvi teistest tunduvalt rohkem, tuleb käised teha vist mõne teise värvivalikuga, aga eks too selgub, kui ma midagi tellitud saan.
But now it has all new color scheme and I'm taking things very easy. I am pretty sure I will not have enough of one color, so I'll have to come up with a new solution.
Algust sai tehtud ka ühe uue suvekleidiga, aga lõng on minu näppude jaoks vist ikka liiga karm ja kaalun selle ülesharutamist.
I started with a cotton dress, but I'm considering frogging it since I really am not comfortable working with it. This type of cotton is good for crocheting, I'm tired of its unfriendly feel while trying to knit it.
Ma ei armasta eriti veste oma riidekapis, aga sellegi poolest alustasin Debbie Blissi Catriona kudumist.
Then I cleaned up my pattern collection and felt a sudden urge to do cables, so I'm doing Debbie Bliss' Catriona: