Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mimosa Odüsseia Finaal / Grand Final

Ma tahtsin, kordan, tahtsin kogu seda suurt kudumisprotsessi jäädvustada laivis siia blogisse. Aga fotoka juhe oli kadunud nagu vits vette. Kuni tänaseni. Leidsin selle oma abikaasa seljakotist... ning kusklt ajusopist ilmus tõdemus, et see on taaskord mu äkk-koristuste vili - siis ma topin oma asju kõikjale ja ei kuhugi, nii et pärast ise ka üles ei leia.

I wanted to follow the process of this huge shawl on the blog, but the darned cord that transfers photos from my camera to my laptop was missing and turned out just today... from my husbands backbag... I have a stinky feeling that this may be the result of my quick clean-ups at my home, when I stuff things in the less likely places all around the house without giving it a second thought. Ah well, at least it was safe traveling forth and back between home and office.
As a result here follow pictured process from day 1 to day 20:

Mimosa Phase 1 - cast on
02.02 Lõin silmi üles kaks korda. Ei olnud üldse tore. 599 silma on isegi nadi vaid korra üles luua. Aga ma rumal kudusin oma Möebiuse keerus miljon kahtesadat silma lausa 5 rida enne kui kohale jõudis. See on siis umbes peaaegu täpselt 1,5 kera lõnga. Ja siis ma lugesin ja lugesin ja veel kord lugesin neid silmi üle ja lõpuks õnneks ikka julgesin kuduma ka hakata.

02/02 I managed to cast-on twice. That wasn't nice because 599 stitches is not nice to CO again. Not to mention that I figured my Moebius mistake out after near 5 rows - that is nearly one and half ball of yarn. And then count and count and re-count countless times. Believe me you do not want to err with that many sts on your needles.

Mimosa 2
05.02 Siinkohal tuli täiesti oodatud paus. Helmed said otsa. Ootasin neid 7 päeva Jaapanist.

05/02 This where the expected setback happened. I ran out of beads. I had to wait until 13th of February to get the beads.

Valentine's Day special Mimosa report
14.02 Eile tulid helmed. Huvi pärast ajasin õlasalli kolmele vardale - nagu näha tuleb sellest midagi suurt. See munakollane mõõtur on 150 cm pikk.

14/02 I just got the beads the day before and decided to spread out the shawl on 3 circulars to see how wide it was going to be. Obviously it was going to be wide (that measuring tape is 150 cm / 60 inches long).

Lilac Mimosa - knitting wounded
16.02 Nagu tippsportlast kibutavad mindki vigastused - väike lõhe vasaku käe nimetissõrmel ning kogu projekt on ohus...

16/02 I've injured my left hand index finger. I have a small cut that often occurs when one is knitting a lot with drying hands. If you didn't know - knitting dries hands quite a deal.

Lilac Mimosa - knitting pal
Õnneks on mul hea laps omast taskust võtta, ta jagas minuga oma plaastreid.

Luckily my daughter takes care of me and offered one of her band-aids to help me through my injury.

Lilac Mimosa - 3/4 done
18.02 Kolmneljandikku on valmis. Koon ridu aina kiiremini - lühenevad hoogsalt. Iga mustrikorraga 10 silma. Aga! teen palju vigu ka, vist sellepärast, et terve aeg olen kudunud 100 cm ringvarrastega, oleks vähemalt 120seid vaja. Vahepeal kahandasin valesti, siis kudusin läbi eelmise rea silmuse. Esimene viga tähendas 10 cm üles harutamist, teisest saab heegelnõelaga jagu.

18/02 The wrap is 3/4 done, it goes much faster to knit a row, but I've been making silly mistakes, like decreasing too much or too little, or knitting into the stitch below (often happens when knitting on high speed and in stockinette stitch), I've had to rip back 10 cm (4 inches) once but usually my good friend crochet hook helps me out.

Lilac Mimosa - fresh off the needles
20.02 Värske. Vaja pesta ja otsad peita.

20/02 Fresh off the needles. Washing and darning in the ends are ahead.

Lilac Mimosa - darning ends
Peidan otsi. Alguses oli neid 22, siis otsustasin ilu eesmärgil lõnga kaheks jagada - seega 44 otsa.

I'm darning. I only had 22 ends. Until I decided to split the yarn and it became 44. But I got through it pretty fast.

Lilac Mimosa - blocking
Leotasin salli ära. Oi, oi, oi kasvas teine veel juppmaad. Unustasin, meriino venib juba nagu hull. Mul on kuningamõõtu voodi - seegi kippus väikseks jääma. Mõõted annavad, et enne pesu olnud 22st silmast 10 cm kohta on järele jäänud 19 silma 10 cm kohta. Vaatnii on lood. Laiust 210 cm lausa.

The shawl is blocking. And it became even bigger (I have a king size bed). And then I remembered. Merino stretches - A LOT!!! So from 22 sts per 4 inches / 10 cm it fell down to 19 sts. Here it is, on the ground with two 60 inch / 150 cm measuring tapes close by to show the size.

Lilac Mimosa - size

Lisaks sai sisse lükitud 1200 kandilist Toho Crafti helmest - klaasist kuldse sisemusega.

I used app. 1200 Toho Craft square beads - they are gold lined and it gives them a darker color than they really have.

Lilac Mimosa glass beads

Mõni lähivõte keskjoonest, kus paneelid kohtuvad.

This is a closeup of the central part here panels come together.

Lilac Mimosa - detail

Viimane võte:

And the last shot:

Lilac Mimosa

Lõng: 11 kera Sublime Yarns Cashmere Merino Silk DK (75% extrafine merino, 20% siidi, 5% kašmiiri; 127 yrd/116 m 50 gr kohta)
Varras: 4.5 mm
Muster: Sivia Hardingu Mimosa Big Girl Knits raamatust
Lisaks: 1200 Toho Crafti helmes värvis nr 39
Muudatusi: kasutasin vähem helmeid, servad jäid vabaks, ning ka teemantmotiivi neid sisse ei kudunud.

Yarn: 11 balls of Sublime Yarns Cashmere Merino Silk DK (75% extrafine merino, 20% silk, 5% cashmere; 127 yrd/116 m for 50 gr ball)
Needle: 4.5 mm
Pattern: Mimosa by Sivia Harding from Big Girl Knits
Extra: 1200 Toho Craft square beads, color 39
Changes: I used less beads. I didn't insert beads in the diamonds and didn't put them on the edges as well.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hat attack

Hat attack was fun, but a big waste of money on postage costs. I won't participate again, even though I enjoyed it quite a lot - at least enough to stay up until 2 am in the morning to finish the hat.
So without further a do here is my hat for Tanya from Texas
White death
Needles: 4,5 mm
Yarn: Bella Baby Sugar (100% wool) held double
Pattern: Binary Cable Hat

I got killed ruthlessly by a hat from Australia by Mel (after it killed me, that sneaky hat made my daughter into a zombie):
Oh dear, the killer hat is on the loose!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Mimosa Odüsseia / Mimosa


Käsil on üks suur kudum. Eile lõin varrastele 599 silmust. Või nii ma vähemalt arvasin. OLin kudunud viis rida ripskoes ja ühe pahempidise rea, ning olin poole peal äärepitsi kordustega, kui märkasin, et mul oli rohkem silmuseid kui vaja. Lugesin siis silmused üle ja avastasin, et olin kudumisse keeru sisse teinud esimesel real.

Oh, I can feel it on my fingers that this is going to be a long project. I CO yesterday 599 stitches, or that's what I thought, knit 5 rows of garter stitch, one row of 599 purl stitches, started with the edging pattern, worked through 19x26 stitches of edging and then saw that I had more stitches than needed. I started counting and discovered I had done Moebius in the middle of the first row. Argh.
Mimosa Phase 1 - cast on
Ostsin helmed ka osaliselt ära. Täna lähen poodi tagasi ja tellin neid juurde. Helmeid on vaja ligi 1000. Pole kerge leida siinkandis kudumisse sobivaid helmeid.

I got some beads as well. I'll go back today to get some more and order the rest. I decided to go with less beads and therefore I'll need about 1000 nr 8 beads. Just I didn't imagine that they'd be so difficult to find here.

Neljanda päeva seisuga olen siinmaal.

So, I'm into my 4th day of knitting and this is how far I've gotten:
Mimosa 2

Seda ei tundu just palju, aga tegelikult on varrastel meeletu arv silmuseid. Alguses olid helmed igal teisel real, nüüd igal neljandal, m pakun, et algesets 599st silmusest olen jõudnud kahandada kuskil 490 silmuse kanti. Igal mustrikordusel kahaneb 10 silmust, nii et varti peaks read juba lühemaks minema. Helmeid on alles 170 ringis, tellisin neid Jaapanist jurude ja loodetavasti nad jõuavad varsti kohale. Aega on selle monstrumi jaoks ainult 21 päeva - viimistlemine, pesemine ja kuivamine kaasa arvatud. Varrastele tuleb auru anda, mis muud.

It doesn't seem much, but believe me it is, since now I have to bead only every 4th row (instead of every second) and I've gone from 599 sts to, I am guessing, about 490 sts. With every pattern repeat I decrease 10 sts so it gets less and less daunting by the row.

But I'm awfully close to finishing beads, I have some 170 left, but they disappear real quick, I just hope I get the rest of the beads from Japan on time.
Oh, by the way, I was wrong about the amount of days I have to knit this little big monster shawl - instead of 25, I have 21 days - that includes blocking it. So I'd say I have to have it done by 20th at least.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Veel enam / Even more

Viimasel ajal olen palju lõnga ostnud. Seda tuleb juurdegi. Mul o 52 projekti Ravelry järjehoidjas. JA ma olen lubanud nii iseendale kui ka tütrele mõnngaid asju. Panin siis kokku nimekirja, et asjaloost sotti saada.

I've bought a lot of yarn lately. I have some yarn arriving soon. I've got 52 projects in my Ravelry queue. And I have made promises to myself and to my daughter.
I am way over my head in projects I need to finish or want to start. So I thought I'd make a list in the order of importance.

  1. Mimosa suurrätt raamatust Big Girl Knits
  2. Mütsisõda algab 9dal
  3. Elefante nr 1 lõpetada
  4. Ecquinox pullover - kokku õmmelda ja otsad peita.
  5. Kirjutada muster.
  6. Lubasin lapsele juba eelmine aasta uue kampsuni kududa.
  7. Harutasin üles Artisticu - sellega on vaja pikemalt planeerida
  8. Salina mulle
  9. Eesti rahvusmustritest seina"maal"
  10. Rowan Tapestry midagi midagi
  11. Ja midagi midagi BBB Merisetast
  12. Mul on vähemalt 4 pitsräti materjal olemas ja kaks võiks el aastal valmida. Üks kindalsti Salajase kooskudumise rätt. Lõngad on järgmised: Kaalund Echante', TitanWool Merinos Extra, Canetta Super Zephyr, Merino Lace. Ja tulekul on ka Zephyr 2/18'.
  13. Lõpetada beebitekikeproovilappidest.

  1. Mimosa shawl from Big Girl Knits - I have 26 days
  2. Hat war hat(s) - starts on 9th February
  3. Elefante nr 1 to be finished in 26 days (nearly done)
  4. Ecquinox pullover - needs to be sewn up and some ends still are not darned.
  5. Write down a pattern that has been waiting for awhile
  6. I promised a new pullover/cardigan for my daughter already last year
  7. I frogged my Artistic - I need to plan better, change the motif a little and start over.
  8. Salina for me
  9. Wall ornaments using Estonian traditional mitten patterns and 1.5 mm needles
  10. Design from Rowan Tapestry
  11. Design something elegant and sexy from BBB Meriseta
  12. I have material for at least 4 lace shawls - I want to knit at least 2 shawls this year, one will be Mystery Shawl 4. Lace yarns I already have are: Kaalund Echante', TitanWool Merinos Extra, Canetta Super Zephyr, Merino Lace. And I have some Jaggerspun Zephyr 2/18 arriving.
  13. Finish a baby blankie from random stitch patterns - it doesn't have recipent, so there is a lot of time with it.
Kindlasti lisandub veel midagi.

I'm pretty sure, I've forgotten something...